Jennifer Partridge

Episode 21: Jennifer Partridge: Ending Relationships Better | Tapping & the Social Contagion of Spiritualism

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Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk & Jennifer Partridge

Jennifer Partridge, a tapping expert, a renowned journalist, a life coach and a founder of Our New Earth Productions, shares her insights on healing and expanded states of consciousness through ceremonies such as Moon Dance and temazcal.

In this episode, Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk & Jennifer Partridge explore what it takes to get over an end of a relationship and the healing process through gratitude practice. They share their experience of living in Bali and Tulum, what it’s like to have a dog and how much they can teach us. What it takes to run a business and to stay true to own practice, finding purpose and the sacrifices needed to be made along the way. Giving birth and discovering female power through the ring of fire.

Jennifer Patridge

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