Heidi Souffriau

Episode 15: Heidi Souffriau | Esoteric Astrology, Speaking the Language of the Stars, Is the Dalai Lama a Predator? & Maneuvering ChatGPT with Light

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Juliana Spicoluk, Mark Spicoluk & Heidi Souffriau

Carl Jung wrote, “Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.” In this episode, Boho Beautiful and astrologer Heidi Souffriau come together to look up at the stars with wonder and touch upon the surface of so much more.

Throughout this enlightening 60 minutes, Boho Beautiful’s Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk talk to their friend & astrologer Heidi about past lives, living in the jungle & harsh practices in India, the Dalai Lama asking a boy to suck his tongue, Pluto in Aquarius, seeing Saturn through the telescope, the Instagram of Allan Watts and Helena Blavatsky, artificial intelligence, and the quest for home.

Heidi Souffriau is a guide and teacher here to help you remember your soul’s journey through the stars. She utilises the medicine of esoteric astrology, yoga philosophy and her connection to spirit to help people unfold their soul’s light into the human experience.

Heidi’s work is informed by her studies in Eastern spirituality, Social Sciences (MA, VUB Brussels), esoteric philosophy and theosophy (Alice A. Bailey & The Tibetan), Jungian psychology, trauma psychology, esoteric healing, yoga teacher training in traditional hatha, kundalini, vinyasa and meditation, more than a decade of astrology studies and mentorship, her love of literature and a lifetime of communing with the stars.

Heidi also contributes as a producer on stars+destruct.

Heidi Souffriau  
IG: www.instagram.com/unfold.yoursoul

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