Who is Shunyamurti

Shunyamurti on stars+destruct.
We are going to see wonders of a very miraculous and beautiful kind, along with the worst horrors. It’s a paradox.
— Shunyamurti

Shunyamurti is a gifted healer, researcher, author, leader, guide, retreat facilitator, and teacher. As the founder and spiritual director of the Sat Yoga Institute and Ashram, his teachings are transformative, heart-opening, and timeless.

Having discovered yoga as a spiritual path at a young age, Shunyamurti immersed himself in meditation and training in various forms of yoga, including studying under Baba Hari Dass, delving into the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and spending a decade in association with a Brahmachari ashram in India.

His exploration of Eastern approaches such as Sankhya, Advaita, Advaya, and esoteric Shaivism and Buddhism, has been complemented by a deep dive into Western metaphysics and the dimensions opened by entheogens.

Shunyamurti's quest for knowledge has led him to study transpersonal psychology, hypnotherapy, psychoanalysis, post-Jungian analysis and dreamwork, and perennial philosophies such as Taoism, Kabbalah, and mystical Christianity, as well as postmodern philosophy.


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