Who is Andrew Sealy

Andrew Sealy on stars+destruct.
When I connect with Mother Earth, I have endless energy to give.
— Andrew Sealy

Andrew Sealy is a connection catalyst, a yoga artist, and a movement creator. He is an internationally recognized yoga instructor and wellness consultant whose teachings of compassion and untapped potential inspire students across the globe.

Andrew's days are filled with adventure-seeking, personal growth, and the constant absorption of wisdom, which he then shares with friends worldwide. Through the practice of yoga and mindful living, Andrew imparts progressive knowledge and equips his students with tools for sustainable growth. His teachings address the essential question: How can we adapt to create, and evolve to thrive?

Fueled by a deep passion for self-healing, Andrew Sealy's yoga journey began soon after completing his college education in microbiology. From his early days as a young boy exploring the beaches of Barbados, Andrew has always felt a strong connection to nature and its healing properties. After completing his 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at the Yoga Centre in San Luis Obispo, he continued his path of health education with a High Honors Graduation from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Driven by a profound curiosity about body mechanics and human potential, he embarked on a journey to build his personal temple through the dedicated practice of yoga.


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